
Insanity – Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Well, i survived day 1 – but it was just the fitness test, today the real work started up. waking up this morning was a little bit tougher than yesterday, but i did it. got over to the fitness center and popped in the DVD. started out with the same warmup from yesterday, so i was ready for that – until we did it three times! when you’re starting a workout and the warmup kicks your @$$… get ready for lovely pain and anguish!

these circuits are intense but i only collapsed into a giant heap of flesh three times through this workout and the 30 second breaks seem to last about 10 – but progress is being made! i’m fairly positive i will feel this one tomorrow 🙂

Insanity – Day 2: complete!

and with that i leave you the cliche of the day:
The only place where success comes before work is the dictionary

2 thoughts on “Insanity – Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

  1. i made it through the warm up without stopping for the first time today (day 9)! not sure if that says a lot about the warm up or how badly out of shape i am 🙂

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