
Insanity – Day 13: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

the first time i did this workout, i posted that i loathe me some cardio. this still holds true, especially when it’s followed with another loathsome workout routine, Cardio Abs! yep a double today. now, today is sunday and on my schedule, it should be a rest day, but yesterday was crazy and i didn’t get up early, katie was out with friends for a much needed girls night out and i was watching joseph. so i decided to give it a go early this morning and take the ‘day off’ on saturday instead. well, early didn’t work – it’s much too easy to snooze until it’s too late on the weekends. so when joseph went down for a nap, i high-tailed it over to the fitness center – to discover it’s a double! and a double suck for that matter!

an annoying part of the cardio ab workout was when we were doing high knees with the arms up… all i could feel was my entire core jiggle. and shaun t kept mentioning concentrate on keeping the core tight – how do you keep constant jiggle tight?? i know that the main reason i’ve got the jiggle is because of my eating habits. it’s something i’m working on, but i continue to struggle with it. in the bright side:

Insanity – Day 13: complete! (and day 14, rest day, too!)

inspirational thought of the day:
“Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.”
– Anne Frank

satisfaction indeed!