
i’m back

after a shortened hunting trip, i’m back – had thanksgiving with katie’s family this year. her brother and his fiance were in town from florida. it’s funny how thanksgivings are different from family to family. i guess i’ve never been elsewhere besides my families for thanksgiving in the past and katie’s family wasn’t too much different (although, i had to turn on the football game before dinner, can you believe that it wasn’t even on when i got there??). food, fun, family and football (in no particular order). that’s what the holiday is all about, right? i missed having the turkeyday feast at my grandma’s – and i hope the ‘rents remember to bring me some of my grandma’s apple pie and cookies… but i got to see most of thems when i was hunting, so all was not lost.

speaking of hunting, i did come back with some venison. i got me a doe, didn’t see any horns this year – but as my grandpa always used to say “you can’t eat the horns”. my dad and i both got does on monday (we’re shooting for horns sat/sun and meat from monday on) and both does were pretty big, so we should be able to get plenty of pepperoni, sausage, deer sticks and bacon outta those hawses. yummy yummy

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