
CF WoD 3.9.11

Today’s Workout

Death by Pull Up
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

and then…

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
185 pound Bench press, 3 reps
225 pound Back squat, 5 reps

My Results

10 rounds + 9 pull ups (first 5 rounds were strict pull ups, round 6 on were kipped)

AMRAP: bench 185 lb x3 & squat 225 lb x5 – 11 rounds. on my way to bench to start round 12 when the alarm went off.

this was a fun day of workouts! the Death by Pull Ups went better than i had expected. i was pleased. since i knew that was going to be a fairly quick workout, and the CFFB workouts lately have been unfriendly to the facility. i decided to hit up the CF site and find something there… came across the 3/9/11 and 3/10/11 workouts which seemed to be a good fit. got in a good hard sweat this morning with the AMRAP bench/squat, which felt great! after that, we did some form running/stretching work in the activity center. all in all, a good day!