
WOD 081021

Tuesday 081021

Ten rounds for time of:
12 Burpees
12 Pull-ups

my Time: 44:01

did yesterday’s today instead of running the 5k. it’s been a crazy couple of days, hence the lack of WOD postings. this WOD kicked my @$$… pull-ups and burpees, i don’t think either one of those two workouts really agree with me. my fat@$$ really needs work. i just hope i can straighten out my arms in a couple days this time.

Park lost their first playoff game last night, which means they’re done for the year. i am really hoping to be able to work out a schedule where i can do these WODs in the AM with the HS kids – i think they’ll have fun with them and having a group of people to workout with instead of just me will hopefully improve things (times/weights/etc.). regardless, i’m diggin the crossfit workouts i just don’t have access to a lot of the equipment i need anywhere but at the HS, which isn’t as convenient as, say, my domicile. someday 🙂