
One year ago

I’ve been horrible at posting and that is partially because of the myriad of things going on… but I just happened to have noticed my site got hacked on the 26th, so after cleaning that up – thanks Jackasses – I’ve decided that 2013 will be a much post-ier year than 2012. I did look back on what I had posted in 2012 (sheesh, talk about bare bones), but then my final post of 2011 came to view…

The many things that have changed, and maybe the one that has affected me and my family the most (outside of the new job, which I still realize I haven’t even written that up yet), was the passing of our precious Cocoa. I happened to visit her on the 6 month anniversary of her passing in June and today, Katie and I drove out to our land to have a moment. The snow was deep enough for us not to know exactly where she lay – but that only goes to show you how God is able to control everything. Last year, December 30th, while the ground was frozen, there was no snow in the way of our digging.

While it looks as though it might be a bit longer until we join Cocoa as residents of that plot of land, we’ve all adjusted to the change – but it hasn’t been easy. It’s been a long year without a four-legged family member and I seriously doubt we’ll have another 12-month period much the same.