
Insanity – Day 32: Core Cardio & Balance

back to the regularly scheduled workout wrap up:

you’d think that taking a day off would give you a rejuvenating, energizing boost the next day… today, that was not the case. during the warmup, my arches started aching and midway through the stretch, i had to put on an old beat up pair of shoes – which surprisingly helped. i need a new pair of shoes – any suggestions? i haven’t purchased shoes in a long time, which is why the shoes i have are in such poor shape. my hip flexors and shoulders were really sore today and that’s the meat of this workout. so yeah, today was tough.

Insanity – Day 32: complete!

inspirational thought of the day:
“It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

similar to yesterday’s journey quote, but giving it focus on the end result